simultaneously around the world

@school curriculum: dance anywhere then haiku

A Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry. It has three lines. For a traditional haiku, the first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables again.

If unfamiliar with haiku you can find a more detailed discussion written by Michael Dylan Welch on Graceguts

When you have done something different or important (like taking a moment to dance anywhere) attempt to make it even more important. Stop to write about the experience.

dance haiku, dance
haiku, dance for me
so haiku spins ‘round the house
turning and spinning

Chris Bowen

Morning Dance haiku
restless pirouette
flash of luminescent wings
birds greet the pale sun


Let us Dance (Haiku)
While it takes two to tango,
Someone has to lead.

Katz Haus

world turns, person spins
the timepiece said now
8 counts repeated
my dress billowed, aloft

S. Wolf
