simultaneously around the world

@school curriculum: Brain Dance? anywhere

Can a series of movements energize the brain?

Anne Green Gilbert at the Creative Dance Center in Seattle has developed a series of exercises that prepare us for learning.  Brain Dance is a full body, brain warm-up appropriate for people of all ages.  It is composed of eight developmental movement patterns human beings are programmed to move through from 0-12 months. These patterns wire the central nervous system. By moving through these developmental patterns, children and adults oxygenate and reorganize their brains.

BrainDance Patterns are explored in class integrating dance concepts and utilizing a variety of movements, dance styles, music, and props allowing for a balance of repetition and novelty. Patterns include:

* Breath * Tactile * Core-Distal * Head-Tail * Upper-Lower * Body Side * Cross Lateral * Vestibular

No one part of the central nervous system works alone. Messages must go back and forth from one part to another, so that touch can aid vision, vision can aid balance, balance can aid body awareness, body awareness can aid movement, movement can aid learning, and so forth.
~Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A.

Click for Document: how to brain dance

Begin with a simple rub, pat, brush, breathe. I am looking for a good video link to launch your practice of brain dance. Coming soon…

What if a classroom or a school joined together to brain dance anywhere?

What happens after a brain dance?

This is what I am most interested in. Please report back. Any examples of work are welcome additions to the student work slideshow.

